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Range Day!
28 February 2018, 17:21,
RE: Range Day!
This Ruger was built in June 1986 when I was QA Manager for the Newport, NH manufacturing facility. 161- or later serial number prefix on the Security Six, Speed Six, Service Six series were manufactured assembled and inspected under Mil-Q-9858A requirements. Revolver pictured was found on GunBroker. When I saw serial number prefix I advised him to buy it. Once gun was received and legally transferred, taking off the grips and inspecting the butt stampings I recognized the builder's mark, a US Customs and Border Patrol contract ID letter and my CH acceptance stamp. A bargain at $600 with Tyler issue grip filler as you see it. Bobbed hammer is factory. This run was built as Double-Action-Only (DAO), with the butter-smooth trigger pull MB mentions. Chambered in .357 but duty ammo of the period was the Olin Q4070 110-grain +P+ like the box pictured.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia

Messages In This Thread
Range Day! - by Mortblanc - 27 February 2018, 22:28
RE: Range Day! - by CharlesHarris - 28 February 2018, 02:46
RE: Range Day! - by Pete Grey - 28 February 2018, 15:40
RE: Range Day! - by Mortblanc - 28 February 2018, 05:50
RE: Range Day! - by Midnitemo - 28 February 2018, 06:34
RE: Range Day! - by CharlesHarris - 28 February 2018, 17:21
RE: Range Day! - by CharlesHarris - 1 March 2018, 06:48

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