RE: MRE Menu 16: Chicken Burrito Bowl
As for the term used in ethnic slang there is an old joke about that.
Big brother comes in the house and Mother announces "Baby Jethro said a half a word today!"
He did? What did he say?
He said Mother!
For persons not used to strong language entering the military can be quite a shock. I would estimate that more than half the verbage tossed about is needless and habitual swearing. Everything is prefixed with MF or F, GD and anything not specifically labeled is a "pile of S" including most of the people in that general area.
I knew one Special Forces Sgt who when asked if he spoke any languages other than English replied that he was fluent in profanity and vulgarity!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.