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Funding Your Prepping
26 September 2018, 20:30,
RE: Funding Your Prepping
Funding your preps, we all have our own ideas. It’s easy to save a few pounds each week for some wanted item or buy extra while doing the weekly shop, but what about big purchases or big projects like solar power.

We all need to save large amounts at some time. There’s no easy, safe and legal way too make a lot of money quickly and it doesn’t grow on trees.

But what money we do have we need to keep safe and accessible, if you use a bank you need a reserve at home in case cash machines go down, two hundred minimum, remember what happened in Greece.

For your other long term savings why not consider some gold ? a few sovereigns maybe ? their value does fluctuate but they won’t suddenly drop, they are easy to hide and if no one knows you’ve got them they can’t take them off you.

Buy from different places, use cash and you can always give a false name and address if you’re asked, a jeweller will always take your money, but check prices on line first, if you need to sell some anytime you will loose a little maybe but a good time to buy is December, people sell gold to pay for Christmas so the buying price goes down a little.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication,
power (electricity), transport.

Messages In This Thread
Funding Your Prepping - by Skean Dhude - 26 September 2018, 10:15
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Straight Shooter - 26 September 2018, 15:30
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Mortblanc - 26 September 2018, 17:12
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Straight Shooter - 26 September 2018, 17:49
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Skean Dhude - 26 September 2018, 18:11
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Pete Grey - 26 September 2018, 20:30
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by PeterHof - 6 November 2018, 14:53
RE: Funding Your Prepping - by Mortblanc - 6 November 2018, 15:32

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