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The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
19 November 2018, 17:40,
RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
(19 November 2018, 17:21)CharlesHarris Wrote: Some NASA links on this subject:

So what will happen? Much ado about nothing. Alot of speculation and hype:

Don't panic; Earth is not going to freeze over. But will the resulting cooling put a dent in the global warming trend?
A periodic solar event called a "grand minimum" could overtake the sun perhaps as soon as 2020 and lasting through 2070, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth — all bringing a cooler period to the planet that may span 50 years.

The last grand-minimum event — a disruption of the sun's 11-year cycle of variable sunspot activity — happened in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum, it occurred between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

But it's unlikely that we'll see a return to the extreme cold from centuries ago, researchers reported in a new study. Since the Maunder Minimum, global average temperatures have been on the rise, driven by climate change. Though a new decades-long dip in solar radiation could slow global warming somewhat, it wouldn't be by much, the researchers' simulations demonstrated. And by the end of the incoming cooling period, temperatures would have bounced back from the temporary cooldown.

Solar radiation output typically drops during a normal solar minimum, though not enough to disrupt climate patterns on Earth. However, UV radiation output during a grand minimum could mean activity plummets by an additional 7 percent, the researchers wrote in the study. As a result, air temperatures on Earth's surface would cool by as much as several tenths of a degree Fahrenheit (a change of a half-degree F is the equivalent to about three-tenths of a degree Celsius) on average, according to the study.

The study's findings will help scientists create more accurate climate model simulations, to improve their understanding of the complex interplay between solar activity and climate on Earth, particularly in a warming world, the study's lead author, Dan Lubin, a research physicist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, said in a statement.

"We can therefore have a better idea of how changes in solar UV radiation affect climate change," he said.

The findings were published online Dec. 27, 2017, in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

This is of course if you accept the fraudulent position of the IPCC and AGW 'scientists'. Where's Al Gore at, the guy that invented the internet XD.

Please please watch this all the way to the end:

Full scientific presentation of Valentina Zharkova's work:

The presentation is indeed in front of pro-AGW pseudo-scientists who get shot down later when Zharkova is accepting questions.

The SUN is the main driver of climate on earth, CO2 has a negligible effect. The predicted warming from CO2 by the fraud IPCC and associated scientists is 1.5 watt pm2, whereas, Zharkova's work predicts a 8 watt pm2 reduction in solar radiation.

So even if the AGW goofs are correct, there will still be a 6.5 watt pm2 reduction in Solar radiation.

Again, Zharkova's work has a 93% success rate of predicting Solar events!

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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055 - by tadx - 19 November 2018, 17:40

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