RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
In the world of prepping some people are only interested in one aspect, one situation, or one application, which they study and promote with a vigorous passion.
They need to be with the other believers of their faith to gain reinforcement of their beliefs and verification of their worth and they can not tolerate the presence or lack of interest from unbelievers.
Strange weather patterns, freak storms, cooling and/or warming of the planet have in the past been attributed to some supernatural power. I believe Noah was the first "doomsday prophet of climate change". Possibly preceded by Atra-hasis or one of the other Mesopotamian characters. At any rate almost every culture has a "flood myth" where man screws up, humanity is wiped out and only a select few true believers have permission to start over.
It appears that fears of the end of the world due to climate change is a theme as old as humanity.
But with the demise of traditional religion and the rise of secular humanism as the general belief, then the cause and control of the changes and patterns around us automatically fall under the control of the new "higher power" MAN. Since there is no longer a supernatural power to blame it must be US!
"We have met the enemy and he is us!"
SOS, just new doctrine, new priests, new followers, certain that their version and interpretation of the reports, records, and analysis has to be correct, disinterest is not allowed and unbelievers can not be tolerated.
In the American south, seeped with culture retained from the past, we would call a move of this kind "looking for a new church".
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.