RE: Water usage with illness.
Hi SS i would not say water shortage is a fear, a concern to be born in mind perhaps (or the ramblings off an elderly, slightly paranoid prepper).
We keep potable water in jerrycans (30 gallons) and have 3 40gallon waterbutts fed from the roof, water filter, sterilising tablets, thin bleach etc, good sensible quantities for most events. 150 gallons, 2 people, 75 days. But you can guarantee if TSHTF everything comes at once.
Event (could be anyone of many possibilities), so no electricity, no tap water, no sewage being pumped away (disease risk), drought, heatwave, then pandemic. You dar’nt go out to fetch water. You’ve already used most of the waterbutts on the garden, only jerrycans left 30 gallons, 15 days, with having to be extra careful with hygiene etc, 7 days ?.
Water storage has gone from ten weeks to one, hmm ?.
Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication,
power (electricity), transport.