No SS he was not hanging out with the Welsh, he was apparently sober!
One of the characteristics of the mass shooters encountered here in the States is the fact that they are universally untrained.
They almost never have military experience in a combat branch (some have been vets from service branches; finance, catering corp, motor-pool, etc) and none have ever been reported to belong to an organized gun club, and none known have ever been members of the NRA, which is so universally hated by our liberal politicians for promoting gun ownership.
There are only two exceptions to this statement that I can recall at the moment. Charles Whitman, the shooter in the Texas Tower incident and Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of JFK.
Both of those individuals were former Marines (we will not get into that), but they had never seen combat.
It is a lack of knowledge of the semi-auto platforms that is partly the reason for the fear of the semi-auto. If one of the pigs jams it is almost impossible to clear the thing without disassembling the weapon. Clearing a jam can take several minutes and result in the death of a soldier, unless he is properly trained.
That proper training is to drop the problematic weapon immediately and draw your backup weapon. You fix the jammed gun latter.
Changing magazines offers the same situation in a combat encounter. Even if a civilian shooter trains to extremely high accuracy levels, most of them would never consider doing mag change drills until they are proficient in that action.
Most soldiers are not trained in proper mag change drills unless they are in the last stages of training for placement in a unit that knows it will be in combat. You do not get that in "basic training", which everyone takes. Even the military guards and restricts some of its training to higher risk troops.
Untrained shooters shoot until the gun is empty and when it goes click they think "Oh My!" and look to see what the problem is, then fumble with changing the mag. I watch this action in almost every new semi-auto shooter I encounter.
In that 10 second interval a determined person, that recognizes the empty state of the gun, can charge from 50 yards away and take the shooter down.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.