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A Conversation with the Hospital
21 December 2020, 17:19,
RE: A Conversation with the Hospital
That’s the problem with scripted answers ,especially when they do not make any common sense at all and you have to sound that they make complete sense to you answering the phone and use conviction with a firm manor .....then.......have to resort to....they are the rules that is and must take place ...because the conversation did not go to plan.......I spect that person finished the shift , returned home and skinned up a huge joint sat in a easy chair and just floated off into the ether .....where MB does not exist ....banished to the dark side forever .

Good on you pal !

Messages In This Thread
A Conversation with the Hospital - by Mortblanc - 20 December 2020, 21:07
RE: A Conversation with the Hospital - by Skean Dhude - 20 December 2020, 22:30
RE: A Conversation with the Hospital - by Lightspeed - 21 December 2020, 14:25
RE: A Conversation with the Hospital - by bigpaul - 21 December 2020, 15:26
RE: A Conversation with the Hospital - by Straight Shooter - 21 December 2020, 17:19

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