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How bad is it over there in the USA
17 February 2021, 17:43,
RE: How bad is it over there in the USA
It's not all that bad SS. The news is dramatizing the worst areas as iff that were the norm. That is now their job, shaping public opinion rather than offering real facts.

We have the normal unprepared fools out there suffering from deprivation due to their own lax attitude but they deserve what they get, winter comes every year, this is no worse than any other. Fairly mild actually compared to the "polar vortex" we repeatedly suffered just a couple of years back with daily high temps of -20.

We are having a relatively normal winter.

Primary roads in KY are clear. Interstate highway system is fully operational. That would be like your motorway system.

Secondary roads, like your A roads, are clear and drivable all over the state.

Remote areas are spotty depending on how good your county road department happens to be. I live on a single track side road and we have been scraped and salted. My road is clear and am 30 miles outside the "urban zone". Further out they depend on the old Biblical principles, "God put it there and God will remove it."

In the remote urban areas the neighborhood roads are fairly clear depending on where you happen to be.

The further one is from civilization the worse the roads but alternately, the better prepared the families will be to endure.

The environmentalists are doing their job well. They want to put the developed nations back into the stone age and if they can freeze enough of us to death they will accomplish that. The famous "level playing field" so much flaunted during Brixit does not insure the elevation of anyone, it insures equal misery for all. Welcome to 1984.

They want our SUVs too, so they can insure none of us escape!

I live 4-5 miles from a solar farm that produces enough power to support my entire county of 40,000, only not today. The 20 acres of solar panels are covered by 20cm of snow.

It is these natural and predictable stoppages that have hindered solar and wind as primary supply of power from the start. The technology simply does not exist to insure daily sunshine and constant usable wind velocity to supply continuous power.

My question is, what has Texas done wrong to be so short in supply that a very small portion of their power off line causes statewide rolling blackouts rather than transfer of the supply to alternative grids. The entire 25% of their supply from windmills is not off line, just a few frozen ones.

Still, no power outages in my area. Most of those 150,000 homes in blackout are due to iced lines and fallen trees, not deficiencies in the grid or shortages of supply. Not in my area anyway.

I do not believe there is an operating windmill attached to the grid in my state, which is about the size of England south of Scotland. Not enough consistent wind flow to justify their use.

Plus the fact that frozen windmills are a concern only in very specific areas. I don't think the U.S. generates more than 1% of our power from wind no matter what is said in the media. The greenies were fussing just a short time ago that Trump had not allowed them to cross the 2%-3% threshold.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: How bad is it over there in the USA - by Mortblanc - 17 February 2021, 17:43
RE: How bad is it over there in the USA - by Mortblanc - 17 February 2021, 23:11
RE: How bad is it over there in the USA - by Pete Grey - 18 February 2021, 17:52

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