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spare small chest freezer storage ideas.
21 June 2021, 21:20,
RE: spare small chest freezer storage ideas.
Well Paul there exist such bits of vegetable matter.

They are called wheat, barley, rye, oats, maize and rice.

Originally they were wild crops and humans decided they wanted a stable supply, so they started planting and harvesting them in the same fields where they had grown wild.

That was called agriculture.

To protect the crops from wild animals they sent the kids out to chase the critters away from the fields. Suddenly you had a supply of meat on call.

That was called herding.

Together the planting and herding gave a stable food supply and there was no need to move around searching for the "wild stuff" any longer.

And just like magic you have an agricultural revolution! Been there, done that, in 8000bc.

And now you have started civilization up all over again.
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RE: spare small chest freezer storage ideas. - by Mortblanc - 21 June 2021, 21:20

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