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Slow or Fast Collapse
19 August 2021, 19:48,
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse
I don't see a collapse as such but more a massive change to people living in high population areas. If you compare London 2021 for example and compare it to London 1970 then you can see the difference in cultural, criminal etc. If you then project this difference 20-30 years into the future then London will be a no go area for a lot of people.
Add to this the high influx of mainly illegal immigration and large parts of England will be comprised in 30 years time.
Personally I would't want to live in Afghan, Pakistan, India, this is a personal choice as I find these countries have an extremely high danger rate but in the future these citizens will be the majority in most large Uk cities and their customs and practices will come with them.
The Uk is changing very fast,maybe too fast for me. I feel my I might need to take the advice of many of you and start relocation to a more rural area.

Messages In This Thread
Slow or Fast Collapse - by River Song - 19 August 2021, 18:43
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Skean Dhude - 19 August 2021, 19:13
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Joe - 19 August 2021, 19:48
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Mortblanc - 19 August 2021, 23:33
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by bigpaul - 20 August 2021, 09:05
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Ajax - 31 August 2021, 18:43
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by bigpaul - 1 September 2021, 11:19

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