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Slow or Fast Collapse
19 August 2021, 23:33,
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse
Joe, right now 35% of the occupants in London was born in a country not part of GB land area. That is not counting all of the children born of immigrants in the city. As much as half the London population?

14% for GB as a whole.

On the other focus: Are we specking of TEOTWAWKI or just your average SHTF situation. Preppers tend to confuse them and use the terms interchangeably.

Collapse due to war or invasion is not the same thing as slow decay from within and it is futile to compare the two and say it has to be one specific way. Although a war that is the final coup de gra is a common occurrence in the long scheme of things. Rome's collapse was evident from the 3rd Century but not official until conquest at the end of the 5th.

Instant change due to war, revolution, weather, or natural disaster follows no rules or formula. Even in WW2 there was a 6 month lag called the "phony war" before Germany invaded France. Hitler worked up to WW2 for 8 years before Poland. Everyone saw it, anyone with a brain knew what was happening. Was anyone ready?

The U.S was "suddenly and deliberately attacked" by Japan, after we had suspended all raw material shipments to them giving them a choice of attack or collapse. It has taken historians 80 years to uncover the knowledge of the long, slow road to war that should have been evident.

War, especially the late 20th and early 21st century wars, are usually a regional situation and it is expected that normalcy will return at some point in time. It may be devastating, life threatening and complete SHTF for the people in one small area and 50 miles away people are going about their normal lives. Same with weather, earthquakes, even famine.

The real bad part is when you were living a SHTF life already, hell knocks on your door, you survive, and the best you can expect is a return to the normal SHTF! Think Africa, Haiti, South Asia.

You can not compare that sudden localized transition to a collapse of the world system, which is what it would take for a TEOTWAWKI shift, unless it involved sudden unlimited nuke war.

Over here it is our hurricane season. That means there is a more than average chance for massive destruction, huge loss of life, shifts in population distribution and proof of the stupidity of local, state and Federal governments. SHTF in the truest sense of the term, but not EOTWAWKI.

It will affect you, in GB, not in the slightest. You should not prep for it nor worry about it. Just sit back and be glad it is not something you need to deal with.
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Slow or Fast Collapse - by River Song - 19 August 2021, 18:43
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Skean Dhude - 19 August 2021, 19:13
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Joe - 19 August 2021, 19:48
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Mortblanc - 19 August 2021, 23:33
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by bigpaul - 20 August 2021, 09:05
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by Ajax - 31 August 2021, 18:43
RE: Slow or Fast Collapse - by bigpaul - 1 September 2021, 11:19

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