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Then and now - USA dudes.
23 March 2022, 17:58,
RE: Then and now - USA dudes.
(21 March 2022, 20:35)LAC Wrote:
(21 March 2022, 19:36)Ajax Wrote:
(18 March 2022, 19:15)Ajax Wrote: We got a couple of cousins here from across the pond, right?

Can you guys in the USA remember in the 90's (Iraq conflict) when gas prices went up to 2 bucks a gallon? Did you guys have a pay before you pump policy in some states - Cali, for instance?

I just found an old 90's pirate radio show that mentions it and wondered if any of you remember these times a bit better than me?

Anyway, all the best, guys.

look I am sorry if I started something here. I am not trying to get a UK vs USA thing going here - don't all of us have enough to be thinking about just now?
USA cousins, I'm sorry for asking here. I thought this was a place that folks who like to live could share experience. Perhaps I should just shut my pie hole and say good luck?

Okay, this is NOT real life - ffs I know this, okay. If I could only talk about half the stuff I have done and know! Gah!
SO ... I saw the A team filling up a helo with gas from a gas pump (that helo was piston driven and in theory COULD be filled up from a gas pump in a dire emergency ... it was staged for a TV show, I know that) but they filled up FIRST and then paid.

That was what I was asking.

Do you guys pay FIRST and then deliver gas or do you fill FIRST and then pay?

The only reason I asked is because of this pirate radio show, who seemed to make a big deal about 'pay before you pump' - like the gas prices were very high back in the Iraq war part one - $2.

I am very sorry that I asked a simple question. I am very sorry if anyone got ruffled here.
I see things. I hear things. My mind gets working on stuff. Sometimes I ask stupid questions. I do not live in the USA - how do I know if they pump or pay first? How can I find out? I see folks who say they are from USA and I ask an honest, simple, and quite probably stupid questions. If I do not ask the question, then HOW do I know for certain?

Should we try to verify information that we are not sure of? Yes or no?

Does that mean some dumbass Limey asks a dumbass question? You betcha!
If any USA bro has a question that they think may get shot down here - PM me. I DO NOT KNOW everything. I can take a good stab at stuff, however.

F*ck my old boots, I thought we were all here for the same reason!

No disrespect to USA dudes, you amazing dudes have very kindly put me straight. I thank you very much for your kind and very informative information. My question is now answered. I thank you for this input.
I wish you and your families the very best, no matter what we all may be facing soon. Thank you.


I think you just activated a very old and ongoing narrative not personal to you. They all love each other really, I think??

Cheers, LAC.
These USA dudes seem chilled a f. I like 'em. It's some of our guys who I seem to ruffle.

I ask myself 'is this really a survival site?' I've seen folks with blue hair that get less offended.
I am stepping on rakes all over this place!
If we can't talk blunt here, then where do do we talk?
Survival ain't pretty. It is gonna get red in tooth and claw, at this rate.
I guess I am just surprised by how sensitive some people still are. Time is a great seasoner.

Messages In This Thread
Then and now - USA dudes. - by Ajax - 18 March 2022, 19:15
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by bigpaul - 19 March 2022, 16:31
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Mortblanc - 20 March 2022, 03:19
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Mortblanc - 20 March 2022, 17:40
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by bigpaul - 20 March 2022, 11:11
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by bigpaul - 20 March 2022, 14:20
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Skean Dhude - 20 March 2022, 14:46
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by bigpaul - 20 March 2022, 14:56
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Pete Grey - 20 March 2022, 23:15
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 20 March 2022, 23:42
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 21 March 2022, 19:16
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 21 March 2022, 19:18
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Ajax - 21 March 2022, 19:36
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by LAC - 21 March 2022, 20:35
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Ajax - 23 March 2022, 17:58
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Ajax - 23 March 2022, 17:52
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 23 March 2022, 18:52
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Ajax - 23 March 2022, 20:44
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 23 March 2022, 22:40
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by CharlesHarris - 24 March 2022, 00:39
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Mortblanc - 24 March 2022, 03:49
RE: Then and now - USA dudes. - by Tartar Horde - 25 March 2022, 08:15

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