RE: Rats
Doubtful BP, the rats are clever and will look around the area for a safe food source. Unless you can remove all food sources then they won’t eat it.
I have a bait box sitting outside and there’s signs the rats have investigated it but they haven’t touched the food. My next task is to remove the clutter from around the property as anything lying around is a potential home for them.
So over a week later the smell has went from extreme to bearable, trust me you don’t want a rat dying in the wall cavity. I have left the hole open in order to vent the smell into the kitchen so it can be cleared by the extractor fan. The plan now is to cement up the hole and hopefully it won’t seep into other areas.
To summarise, if you find a rat problem then time is key, don’t think you can fix it with traps and poison, be prepared to rip the place apart.
I will post a link later to an excellent You Tube channel which will help.