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Longest, Deepest Recession in History?
7 November 2022, 17:05,
RE: Longest, Deepest Recession in History?
For what it’s worth MB your post is pretty much like a mirror and reflects what’s going on over here ! … it by chance or coordination of a set plan ? Who knows ? Is it possible that so many (leaders) are brain dead and live in a world of their own ……where are the future leaders? I can not name you one no matter which colour flag they are running under , they all follow one flag of deceit ,lies and bullshit ! .

I speak to many family and friends in our age groups , most like me they will never vote again , there’s no valued reason in doing so …..besides it makes not a jot of difference ( NO MATTER ) who you vote for or which party .

You only need look at the latest fiasco over here with prime ministers playing musical chairs ! We have become a laughing stock !……most people over here just don’t give a fuck anyway they have had enough and simply can not be bothered to put up any fight or push back …….but they will it’s one thing to tax your fags and booze but food ,fuel ,electricity , rent , mortgages and heating fuels and god knows what else they dream up , will not end well who ever is holding the baby ! ….it will be no good trying to hang the blame on world events or Putin ……when everyone realises it’s down to the Bankers and all the politicians that carried out their bidding , it’s no wonder they are building bunkers ….there will be no hiding places ! There are many of us and few of them …..and they know it ! That’s why nuclear war grows ever closer , the more they loose ground and get even more exposed for what they are ! Just my opinion .

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RE: Longest, Deepest Recession in History? - by Straight Shooter - 7 November 2022, 17:05

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