RE: Longest, Deepest Recession in History?
OK then, explain which group of people that is now in charge did not have parents, grand parents of great grand parents that went through the Great Depression, WW2, and the post war austerity?
Did they just spring up out of a test tube?
The truth is that the system which we now ride was the "reset" put in place by that generation at the end of WW2. Those frugal people you admire put this mess on us!
And they were an entire population beset with the damage of PTSD due to long term trauma and deprivation. Good Lord my grandmother horded bits of string, tin foil, rubber bands and saved Christmas wrapping paper from year to year! My Grandad straightened nails for reuse. This was long into the 1980s, when prosperity had been acquired decades before.
I was there, so were some of you. They were self centered, miserly, hateful and often cruel. People trying to avoid their power are why we have all these over eager protest movements today!
They expected, due to repeated history, another reset war within 30 years. They knew that mathematically the new system would not support more than 4 generations. The "put in and take out" numbers just do not match for more than 70-80 years.
Due to fear of nukes we missed the "world war of the 1980s" and the reset at the third generation.
Due to the slight improvements is technology of that era we could have killed hundreds of millions using conventional weapons, checked population growth, and started over.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.