(18 July 2023, 08:52)bigpaul Wrote: Britain at the moment grows 60% of its own food, thats NFU figures, but most of that is mono cropping, high in imported chemicals and pesticides, remove any imports and not much will grow.
its all stock (animal) rearing around here, Sheep, Cattle and Pigs, most ground is too hilly for crops, go a few miles
west and you start to see crops in the fields.
we wont need a nuclear winter to reduce the population, conditions in a societal collapse will do it for us.
Thanks for the figure. In a SHTF situation, we immediately lose 40% of the population as we only have the food for 60%. We then lose another half because we don't have the money to buy the petroleum to power the machinery for agriculture. That's us down to 30% of the population. We don't have the fertilisers etc. So let's cut it again by half ... that down to 15% of the population. If you assume 50% of land is so contaminated, it doesn't get used for farming, we're down to 7.5%. If you then assume a nuclear winter halves global food production, we're down to 3.25%. That is the long term sustainable level (if my assumptions were right). If 97% of the population is about to die, you can bet it won't be a smooth transition. Instead, the process of dropping population level to a sustainable one, will likely see an overshoot. Call it a 50% overshoot ... and we're down to 98.5% mortality.
Basically, we can see Eton students who went to Oxbridge and did law, who thought they were destined to rule the country, ending up being thankful for starvation wages, pulling a plough and sleeping with the pigs in their sty. (and fighting them for the scraps)