RE: Great Reset scenarios post 2030
1.chemtrails are being sprayed in russia, korea, iran etc all the countries you would think would shoot the planes down and declare it an attack on there own people. 2. tucker, andrew tate, peterson, russel brand and tucker never speak a word about chemtrails so this says to me that there all leading the opporsition (us) by dripping us small amounts of light to make us think that theres division and not the same n.w.o thats been pulling the strings. 3. there's aluminium in those trails along with countless other deadly concoctions. aluminium conducts radiation. 5g is a military spec fibre optics communications and surveillance weapon capable of nuking a city and yet not breaking a single window. (seen what happens when you put an aluminium can in the microwave? we've all been breathing in the chemtrails daily for along time now. and its not just the 5g, there's star link satelites, smart meters, routers, lap tops phones ect all these attract the radiation and there in everything under the guise of convenience. has anyone seen the juice cables leading up to these nazi death towers? there the same as the fat cables that attatch to the third rail on the train tracks. thats why theres always mobile tower masts by them. if the elites wanted to, at an arranged date, pull a lever on all the power plants in the world while there safe in a faraday cage bunker kill most humans on the face of the planet with one foul strike! oh and the vaccines also have many conductors to radiation in them. I believe if this is not the plan to use them to slowly turn up the juice so we start getting ill and call it along with the virus cells found in the chemtrails that are triggered by the 5g cause mass die off while we're being starved and fighting the immigrants, our men being drafted, dying off etc. burn the towers down is my message. super soaker with petrol can reach the top of many leave a safe trail, stand back n whhhooomf up she goes. at the start of the pandemic up north thats exactly what they were doing. I was very excited as this information i figured out my self from observations, and to know that folk were moving to strike the death towers was music to my ears. they can be destroyed quicker than they can be built. reset really is reset. its depopulation and changing the dna of who left to literal servitue drone slaves! I dont really know what else to say, other than i believe its time for action now not when one feels the squeeze