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The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
29 March 2012, 18:54,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
thats one of the reasons i dont like jerry cans, you need 3 hands to be able to use them, also they are too heavy to lift especially when you've got a bad back, and i dont like all that splashing business so i prefer a plastic container with a screw on spout- but thats just me.Tongue mind you if someone was really going to store loads of the stuff, i think a better option is a metal tank like you see on farms or a plastic tank similar to that which people use for heating oil.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel - by bigpaul - 29 March 2012, 18:54

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