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The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
29 March 2012, 20:35,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
Shortly after Christmas I decided that a half full tank was an empty tank and that's how I now roll. When the needle hits the half way point I top up! Shimple. I don't need them loonatics that pull the strings to tell me that.
Having said that, my old vw camper has been sat there now for weeks and weeks bone dry so (got paid today) I decided to fill her up as we plan to go off and sleep in the woods this Easter. Qued for about 5 mins, put £67 in the greedy bar steward, went to pay and the dick head serving had the Gaul to insinuate that I'd put too much in and to his till partner said "we should put a £10 max purchase sign up" Now that kid had sence.
You have to get up early to catch a fox.

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RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel - by Jodansgang - 29 March 2012, 20:35

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