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What spices should we be storing?
5 September 2011, 09:03,
RE: What spices should we be storing?

Bear in mind we eat them now without knowing. They are ground in flour and baked in bread and cakes. We never really now what is in our food and take it on trust.

If it gets to it you can mix some with your food earlier so you don't go all big bang. There will be some recipes coming soon.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
What spices should we be storing? - by Skean Dhude - 28 August 2011, 19:17
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by Skvez - 29 August 2011, 12:19
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by Skean Dhude - 5 September 2011, 09:03
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by Lord T - 5 September 2011, 10:32
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by Brian - 14 September 2011, 09:43
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by Ben - 8 January 2012, 05:33
RE: What spices should we be storing? - by TOF - 3 March 2012, 10:22

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