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UK Strategic Fuel & Food Reserves
3 April 2012, 01:43,
RE: UK Strategic Fuel & Food Reserves
I can't remember where the info came from now, but I believe most fuel reserves were gradually diminished throughout the last 20 years and now there may be some on paper, but that will mostly be just what is basically in the system, as you said NR.
This 3 days worth of food thing, I Have heard more recent talk that this 3 day thing is also well out of date. It was put forward about 20 years ago when just in time systems were then up and running. I think now, that if it was a sudden major disaster or political announcement to the same effect, then you could be looking at just 1 day - if you were lucky enough. Right place, right time or wrong place, wrong time - take your pick. Also, if it was a power supply issue, then most of the big food vendors who stock the majority of food supplies - would not be able to sell their goods using the normal automated systems & there is no manual back up (like counting up prices and manually recording sales tallies). the store doors may not be operational, the security & fire systems may be inop & so in the inerests of Health & Safety, the stores would be closed! Until the looting begins that is... By day 2, a lot of the stock in fridges & freezers may be approaching germination. As we know, fuel would not be pumped if the power is down anyway. It could be a lot quicker than most think for the frenzy to begin, but I expect regional or town/rural variation to some extent.
Even without the power down scenario, food could possibly be picked clean from the shelves within 24 hours in some areas. Caution required. TL.

Messages In This Thread
RE: UK Strategic Fuel & Food Reserves - by Timelord - 3 April 2012, 01:43
RE: UK Strategic Fuel & Food Reserves - by Terry - 3 April 2012, 08:03
RE: UK Strategic Fuel & Food Reserves - by TOF - 3 April 2012, 09:55

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