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Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
11 April 2012, 21:02,
Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
This was/is in reply to SD's piece on "The peace of the countryside" on the main site, but as not everybody goes on it I thought i'd post it here for your perusal...
I want to make you think about your plans and your preps for protecting you and yours post shtf, because for me theres seems to be a thread of over confidence on security post shtf.
Have a read and have a think...

I never held out much hope for post shtf country areas being protected areas.
Reason one being my bols out in the country side, and whilst its remote there are farms and such around it.
Now whllst I have my own food and supplies I’d be looking at recce’ing isolated properties that look abandoned to resupply or getting re equiped with tools etc should I require them.
Now whilst I and my tribe are courteous and wouldnt take from an inhabited place and would try and barter and trade for gear, others will not and will attempt to take by force, that herd of cows or sheep or chickens wont last a week unless protected 24/7/365.
As you said after shtf wrol applies and things are different and thieves will get whats coming to them. I think youd be under serious amounts of intrusions, probably on a daily basis to probe you and your security,if you dont believe me a lowly infantry grunt ask southern prepper1. This at the very least will be overwhelmingly tireing and unless your willing to reply to any and all intrusions with deadly force you may as well give up prepping now. You can have all my preps when you pry them from my corpse and not before.
The FIRST place ANYBODY from the city is going to look for food after the supermarkets have run out is the countryside. Dont believe me?? What do you think of when you think of the countryside?? I think cows, sheep, ducks, geese,eggs, bacon, ham, onions, cabbage, turnips…..mmmmmmmm the list goes on.
It isnt just me that thinks countryside equals food, yes millions will die because theres no takeaways anymore, no asda no tescos etc… but not everybodys stupid.
In the army the biggest mistake you can make is to underestimate your enemy. If you overestimate their abilities and they fall short, well you were prepared for them to be better so the battles easy.
You underestimate them and the battles lost because they throw things at you, you never even expected them too.
IMHO the one flaw with a lot of preppers in general is underestimating what they’ll face post shtf.
What does it matter if you over prepare for an enemy that may never come?? It dosnt.
But it will matter if you dont prepare and the enemy does come wont it??
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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Are you ready? have YOU thought it through?? - by mikebratcher69 - 11 April 2012, 21:02

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