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Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
12 April 2012, 12:00,
RE: Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
This is exactly what I've been saying about fitness and being able to run!

In a straight fight, no weapons, one to one, I admit I feel pretty secure. However, reality will show the odds of that are 1 in 40,000 (not a real stat, just an example). In a fight there will be weapons and things like that. And it's VERY unlikely to be one on one!

This comes back to being able to up and off!

I'm intensely realistic with some things. My ability to defend myself is good. My ability to defend more than just me....not as good. My ability to fight 1 person, good. My ability to fight 2 people, not as good. My ability to fight 3 People, it'll hurt, but I'm taking one of them out, at least. When it comes to 4 or more people....I know I'm going to get hurt.

Let's put a weapon into the scenario. A fight, 1 guy with a knife. I have a 100% chance of survival! I'm not kidding. There's no way he can catch me, I'll be running well fast!!! Don't be stupid taking that on.

In a knife fight the whole thing is about limiting the number of times you get cut. If you think you can totally avoid a knife in a fight, then you've never been in that situation!

Realism can suck! But it'll keep you alive.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

Messages In This Thread
RE: Are you ready? have YOU thought it through?? - by Scythe13 - 12 April 2012, 12:00

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