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Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
13 April 2012, 08:50, (This post was last modified: 13 April 2012, 08:53 by Scythe13.)
RE: Are you ready? have YOU thought it through??
Here's a question that'll freak you a bit Weyoun, when you see a bunch of lads on a street corner at night with hoods up, how much do you want to bet that their machete is bigger than yours?

When you get kids on street corners, there's 5-15! These kids will mostly have some kind of shiv/shank/blade/spike and they will be ruthless! They would get more aggressive if you shot their mate in the face.

Beyond that, they would have been working as a team for a few years, been watching loads of violent films, played violent games, and really have a pretty good understanding of most things military. For example, they know to stab you in the side or under the armpit, incase you're wearing a stab vest. Street kids are dangerous. Also, you don't have to be a genius to throw a rock, and rocks can be fatal!

Team work is derived from team practice. But team spirit comes from trust, and trust takes time to build.
Oh yeah, and all street kids would have read most of the Jolly Roger CB or the Anarchists CB. Those kids will be able to make Molotov Monday, Napalm Tuesday, and the rest.

At the very least they'll steal your BOB!
Haha, I meant to say they'd steal your BOV!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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RE: Are you ready? have YOU thought it through?? - by Scythe13 - 13 April 2012, 08:50

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