i would be very wary of putting my trust in someone who ventures onto Dartmoor without a tent or sleeping bag, and from the sound of it not much food either if you were starving when picked up, Dartmoor is on my doorstep and is not a place to be taken lightly, the fog and the rain can come down without a moments notice and if your not properly outfitted you can come to a lot of harm, no fatalities that i am familiar with but you could always be the first!

as for dented tins as i have said before unless its a SHTF situation why take the risk? botulism and food poisoning are not pretty things....and if you were on Dartmoor at the same time then no help would be coming!! you would be in a fine pickle then....your bones may not be found for a long time...if ever, peat bogs on Dartmoor are a fine place to lose yourself in the fog. unless of course you were referring to the unofficial "rave" at Belstone the other weekend!!!

wife just reminded me that there have been fatalities on the moor, a 14 year old teenager was drowned in a river on Dartmoor practiceing for"The Ten Tors" cos she didnt know any better and neither did the teacher who told her to cross the river( to retrieve her bag she dropped-in the river)!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.