RE: The threat is.....
The problems in the PIIGS countries do not appear to be getting better. Greece, the worst offender now has a new government. This will get them the final tranche of their current bailout and probably an agreement to get a further bailout next year. Similar deals will be done Ireland and Portugal.
Italy and Spain are yet to go down that route but are close to it. It is widely accepted that a repayment rate of 7% on government debt is unsustainable and ultimately cause that country to go cap in hand to the IMF / EU and beg for a cheap loan. Italy have hit that point. Current consensus is that there is simply not enough money to bail Italy out. If this happens, Italy will default on its debts. The institutions which lent money to Italy (bond holders) would lose some of their money and take a haircut.
These institutions would be banks, pension companies all over the world. Interestingly, there is a lot of exposure to PIIGS debt in France. The uk has quite a high level of exposure to Irish debt.
The whole system is like a line of dominos stood in a line. A number of the dominos are wobbling. Will one fall?