RE: Is it really Bows or Guns??
Theraband gold is a recognised brand of latex material. used extensively in the exercise industry at the moment. also top notch for catapults. Gold" is the grade of stretch of the latex. Gold is the heaviest duty from the manufacturer. Look on ebay and it will soon become apparent what is what. As for what is the best catapult - I don't know. I have one of those legendary black widow types but I am thinking a smaller non wrist strap type, that can easily be concealed and brought out of the pocket straight into firing mode may be the best option. It would want to have none of those angular fashion lines and to not be too spindly like some. Steel frame is good and wood is also if strong enough. fORGET THE SOLID ALLOY JOBS AS THEY WEILL BE TOO HEAVY. ALSO ANYTHING MADE IN cHINA i WOULD AVOID FOR QUALITY PURPOSES. i AM LIKING THE FLAT BANDS. The wrist strap on mine may increase stabilty of aim under tension but this may not be necessary with sufficient practice. yet to be decided. It would be ergonomically better without it. In which case, a fork that does not extend high above the hand would create less leverage/strain on the wrist. Have you seen the single stick catapult on the utube vid on that website I listed. That is compact! lol.