RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
They're all in it for the money anyway just like footballer if you ask me, cut their money down to real world levels, remove their fantastic pensions, second home allowances, and watch them run for it, mp's that is not footballers, they're just attention seeking muppets.
I find it funny that most of the aristocrats in this country made their money hundreds of years ago on slavery, or rubber plantions etc and they have the brass bal*s to try and tell us right from wrong, they say crimes wrong but how many of them are criminals, faking allowances etc, mind you I think they follow the old school way of thinking..."DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO"
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."