RE: best pro gun argument ive ever read
I consider there to be three minor reasons and 2 big reasons for absolutely minimal restrictions on gun ownership.
The 3 minor reasons:
-Historical Interest
-Art (many firearms have exquisiteness engravings etc)
-Sport shooting / hunting / gin and tonic fueled pheasant massacres.
2 Big reasons
-Self sufficiency. Firearms allow you to provide for yourself; you can put food on the table, kill pests and manage wildlife. Firearms are vital for rural management. If the socialists had their way, rabbits and deer numbers would fluctuate wildly, and their would be less garden birds around due to crows etc.
-Self defense. Pistols for EDC against muggers and other miscreants, shotguns and long rifles for hunting and home defense, and what the fun police would deem "scary assault rifles" in-case anyone tries to take them away, be that a dictator, socialist, or other official with a special hat. They are also vital for defense against large numbers of people, e.g. Civil disorder. Watch the videos of the Korean shop owners in the LA riots. They look like they could have used some ARs or AK's etc.
With guns, you can be independent. You do not need to suckle the teat of the state. It's not a coincidence that Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao etc all restricted firearms ownership.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8