RE: PMR446 50+Km range yesterday
Thanx for all input lads , short term comms will be PMR based , 99% probably a UVR 5 with maybe some baby baos 888s for the rest of the family.
Short term -
I will be looking into using either the UVR 5 as a semi-basestation connected to an external antenna , with the handsets used on a personal comms basis , probably try and work something out as regards manpacking a better ext antenna and ext power into a backpack too.
After initial SHTF and on settling into B.O.L -
I will get back onto the CB freqs to start building up a picture of who is active and where they are , I'm comfy with most of the skills / knowledge required here , done it a lot in my younger days , just needed help on narrowing the choice of a new rig , which will be used possibly on a manpack basis too , again with an ext antenna and power supply.
Regards and 73s lol.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.