This is getting a tad confusing.
CB, PMR, HF, VHF, UHF, AM, FM, SSB (Both sides i.e LSB, USB, DSB)
Add what channel or frequency you're all going to call each other on and I'm surprised the average prepper hasn't put in a thread:
Simple rules for calling or listening for calls needs to be established let alone what frequency, channel or mode everyone needs to use.
The Marine world used to listen out for emergency traffic on the hour and half hour for 3 minutes.
Simple isn't it. 6 minutes a hour EVERY ship listened out for distress signals.
So why not the preppers?
What about the Mode, Channel, and Frequency?
All CBers <> AM/FM channel 9 for emergency (FM for UK)
All CBers <> AM/FM channel 19 for main calling (FM for UK)
Air Band <> AM 121.5 MHz civilian and 243.0 MHz military
Marine VHF <> FM channel 16, (156.8 MHz)
Marine VHF <> FM DSC channel 70 then voice on channel 16
Freeband <> USB 26.285 and 27.555 MHZ are General Call Frequencies
Now what about you hams I'm looking for BASIC HF, VHF, UHF general calling channels and modes.