RE: Morals and canibalism....
i understand what your saying but if you look around this country you will see there's not much food growing and in reality when the shops have been robbed and peoples homes have been looted the animals live in the fields and streets are in the pot anything that's grows will go and what you have will go either you eat it or them but it will go there will be no farmers, who's going to look after the farmer while he grows stuff to eat and how many people including preppers could off grid now and grow first time enough food for them and family with out mistakes or crop fail knowing the right amount to plant, cut and reseed etc so the reality is growing enough food is out the window
now put this with the fact people don't just curl up and die and the young today act like animals in their little gangs high on drugs and more weapons than the police want you to think have 9mm hand guns, assult rifles and other things like shotguns and other weapons willing to attack and rape, torucher murder for fun! burn you things just for a laugh in front of you and that's when the police is there to turn to and save you what do you think will happen when it's just you and no one to help that's the nice piture you could throw the weather in or illness or other factors now what you going to eat is that the point you kill yourself and wife and kids are let the animals do it and i don't mean the ones on 4 legs there is no one to help because you can't share what you have with the people around you you wouldn't have other prepper because we don't trust each other aswell were not going to meet up lay are cards on the table with what we have in case we are robbed. so if you aren't will to eat people as a last choice filler is it really worth going through that hell and suffering to die of starveation i think not you would be better taking a pile off sleeping tables and a bottle of whisky and so sweet dreams, if this is your way enjoy life now with you money if not prep away but buy more food than you think to last about 5 to 10 years and hide all over. the other opition is to prep for a short term thing when you know the gov. will still help and save you but that's not survivalisim
an old saying goes to "win the war you must be willing to die in battle"
that can be used in most things we do not just fighing
to win the war, you must be willing to die