With the greatest respect your hubby is mistaken, the UK government no longer keeps ANY strategic reserves of food and only 90 days of fuel and thats for the military. Up to about 1990 the UK resiliance program for civil defence ensured we had 90 days reserves of meat in freezer warehouses, 90 days of grain secure locations and 90 days of fuel for priority no military traffic, Cops, Firemen, Medics, District nurses, Coast Guard, Farmers etc.
HMG got rid of the food, fuel, medical, logistical and transport reserves when the Berlin wall came down, UK domestic resiliance supplies are now entirely the 3 days supplies kept in the current supply chain held by the supermarkets.
Wether he thinks 911 was an inside job or not does he HONESTLY believe the government could feed and protect the 62 million residents of these islands, Think about it the govt USED to be able to condeemn prepppers and survivalists as HOARDERS and BLACK MARKETEERS to be condemned and prosecuted if found. But now because they have no reserves they encourage citizens since 7/7 to keep 72 hour kits and 168 hours of grub.
WHY should the govt want to keep us sweet? THEY have the guns and tanks, they have the bunkers and reserves, they have the EU to call on for foreign troops to help keep order, they control the welfare system, AND over the last 20 years the rich ruling social elite have been steadily moving into gated communities, secure rural piles or even iceberg houses in London. The government controls the ON / OFF switch for Internet, Electricity, Water, Sewage, Public Transport, Schools, Cops, Healthcare, Fodd distribution and both road and rail systems THEY HAVE US BY THE BOLLOCKS and all the brain dead tossers that ever had thoughts about a socialist state have now walked willingly into a totalitarian one instead.
Ask him why does he think theYhave been actively encouraging and manipulating the sheeple to move into easy controlable large cities for the last 40 years ?