RE: A surprise when shopping
Very strange Paul,
I'd be spooked by that too...... and more spooked when i started thinking it through afterwards.
SD is prob right and the YL is probably a new prepper who has yet to consider the full implication of OPSEC
As you have the car reg number hou can get details of ownership checked on line for very little money. That'll hopefully give you a local address, and you can cast an eye in that direction from time to time to maybe eyeball the person again. That'll give an innocent explanation. If the car's from out of area and registered to a company then that's perhaps more cause for concern, especially considering that car's of that age are generally no longer company owned......
If the person is an innocent prepper who made a slip up in coontacting you like this, maybe she's a reader of this forum too? If so, a PM to Paul would be a kindness.
72 de
STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out