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Left alone or not?
29 November 2011, 11:22, (This post was last modified: 29 November 2011, 11:25 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Left alone or not?
They will only consider us as a threat if we (A) stop paying taxes, and (B) pose a threat to them physically. So long as we remain a benign not threatening, law abidding and tax paying community they wont be interested in us. The various ethnic and nationists and political activists will keep their attention. Overall we aint wanting to rock the boat, we just want to live and no rely on the state for our continuence.

Remember how desperate the ruling elite is to stay in power, even the lefties dont want to abolish the lords, the SNP are happy to retain Lairds, under the old War Laws the govt was willing to issue fire arms to traffic wardens in order to remain in control. The Tories, Lefties and unions are desperate not to have a repeat of 1776, thats why they keep trying to buy the loyalty of the benefit claiments.
Forgot to mention the painful lesson the PTB have just learned, IE 37,000 Metroplitan police could not stop 500 Brothers from rioting for 3 days, you can be bloody sure they will be looking at ways of ensuring the public can not do that again, the same way they stopped fuel protestors from blocading refineries etc.


Messages In This Thread
Left alone or not? - by mikebratcher69 - 29 November 2011, 10:52
RE: Left alone or not? - by NorthernRaider - 29 November 2011, 11:22
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 29 November 2011, 11:33
RE: Left alone or not? - by NorthernRaider - 29 November 2011, 11:49
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 29 November 2011, 12:37
RE: Left alone or not? - by Skean Dhude - 29 November 2011, 12:43
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 29 November 2011, 14:04
RE: Left alone or not? - by NorthernRaider - 29 November 2011, 14:40
RE: Left alone or not? - by Skean Dhude - 29 November 2011, 16:03
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 29 November 2011, 14:53
RE: Left alone or not? - by preservefreak - 29 November 2011, 17:45
RE: Left alone or not? - by Skvez - 29 November 2011, 17:51
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 29 November 2011, 18:29
RE: Left alone or not? - by Bald Carl - 29 November 2011, 18:51
RE: Left alone or not? - by mikebratcher69 - 30 November 2011, 22:23
RE: Left alone or not? - by bigpaul - 1 December 2011, 12:26

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