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The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out?
22 August 2012, 13:27,
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out?
I'm agreeing with Cryingfreeman here

Bugging out can mean two things.
1] is grabbing a bag and running into the woods (if there are any near you). It's a last ditch effort to escape an imminent threat to you. Most people (Ray Means excluded) will be in trouble 72 hours after they bug out with just what they can carry.
Most UK preppers strongly suggest you don't bug-out in this manner unless the mob is advancing on your home.

2] Heading for a pre-arranged fixed location where you will be legally permitted to go (if rule of law still holds) for example Grandma's cottage in the peek district. When to Bugout to this sort of location is less clear but you can always bug-out and then (if things settle down) bug back in again.
Many preppers suggest you should consider permanently re-locating to this sort pof bug out which brings me to …

Strategic re-location is moving your permanent residence to somewhere far away from probable trouble. It is a goal that all of us should be working towards. Unfortunately given the population density of the UK there aren't very many locations that are fully suitable and even fewer that still have employment opportunities.

We can try and migrate in the desired direction:
Urban house is better than urban towerblock
Suburban house is better than urban house
Semi-rural is better than urban
Rural is better than semi-rural
And so on.
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?

Messages In This Thread
The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 18 August 2012, 14:56
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 18 August 2012, 15:22
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 18 August 2012, 15:26
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 18 August 2012, 15:51
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 18 August 2012, 15:55
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Paul - 18 August 2012, 16:34
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Lizzie - 21 August 2012, 19:25
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Lizzie - 22 August 2012, 10:06
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Skvez - 22 August 2012, 13:27
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 23 August 2012, 17:25
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Hrusai - 23 August 2012, 18:07
RE: The Slow Descent - When To Bug Out? - by Tarrel - 5 October 2012, 23:56

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