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Can we talk about a BASIC UNIVERSAL simple PV kit for preppers.
30 August 2012, 12:22,
Can we talk about a BASIC UNIVERSAL simple PV kit for preppers.
I wonder if Nemesis etc would indulge me, I was thinking that I have not yet seen a spec or parts lists for a very simple , budget PV system that preppers could make / buy etc

Now please forgive me on this cos I am a dinosaur on with leccy powered stuff but I wonder if we could work out a simple basic PV kit list that any of us could buy, assemble and use.

I was thinking along the lines of nothing even remotely fancy just say for example ONE PV Panel, the doofah device that controls its output, TWO batteries and a thingy you plug your PC / Kettle/ Laptop/ Radio/ LED Room light into.

A kit that will possibly only do one simple task at a time if neccessary
A portable basic solar powered generating station if you wish.

Sooooooo I was thinking
What make size, type, power, panel would be a good basic budget alrounder that could charge two batteries up

What control doofah device of what capability do we need (idiot level)

What type and size of batteries do we need

What type size of wiring would we need?

What type of socket / switchgear do we need to plug our kit into ? Fag lighter socket or something different.

I aspire to see a very very simple, very basic, easy to use, run and maintain PV kit design that could be deployed instantly if TSHTF along the line of the Panel gets stuffed outside resting up against the dust bin if needed, or the fence, no fancy mounting systems.

The cable from the panel can be slung through the kitchen window to begin with and plugs into the control doofah.

Then the wiring runs to the two batteries and from their to the user sockets ?

Anyone up for an idiots guide to an ultra basic PV system to help boil a kettle or power a PC during a blackout ?


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Can we talk about a BASIC UNIVERSAL simple PV kit for preppers. - by NorthernRaider - 30 August 2012, 12:22

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