I trend to view Survivalism as the fit young paramilitary male type prepared to bug out and live off Bushcraft skills or in a retreat well out the way. I see preppers as normally family types wanting to make commoin sense insurance preps against severe events.
The former tends to put being armed to the teeth as the answer to most issues, the later tends to put flexability and adaptability first.
Both do not want to become refugees or reliant on the state.
(26 September 2012, 06:50)IB1 Wrote: Maybe Preppers came about because some people wanted to separate themselves from the public idea of what a Survivalist was.
The problem is that it works the other way as well. How many times do you see condescending comments on prepping sites like "it's not all about tshtf you know" as soon as someone mentions bugging out or tshtf. Well, it's also not all about just popping out to a hotel if you have a fire or selling someone a t-shirt or a patch either. I think that some sites have gone too far the other way, places to chat about anything you like as long as its not Survival
You need to remember that on a lot of forums many people are their just pretending to be preppers but actually just use the forum for socialising, trolling, or trying to fill a space in their sad and unfullfilled lives.
Theres definately three sides to the coin, full blown rampant preppers who cannot relax at all and focus entirely on getting ready for armageddon, then we have middle of the road common sense preppers just getting on with life but adapting their way of like to be better preppers, and the armchairs, wannabes, apologists, forum hogs, and bored middle aged lonely people
I put a good 95% of the wonderfully inteligent people on this forum who I learn so much from in the middle common sense prepper section. I dont mind a bit of banter when things are quiet as it helps break down barriers between us but I appreciate that some forums are nowt more than chat rooms.