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Connunications update following Polls:
4 October 2012, 11:56,
RE: Connunications update following Polls:
PJ and Paul,

My facsination with radio is that NOBODY understands completely how propogation works. Its all theories and models.

The truth is, no one exactly understands how a few miliwats of RF power can be heard on the other side of the planet. (to give a comparison, by a few miliwats I mean less than half the power consumed by the very smallest peanut bulb in a car's dash board lighting)

Its a pity that some folk who first gained an interest in radio through CB change their attitude when they get their ham licenses. We're all radio enthusiasts, and a dying breed at that. Ham/ CB/ Freebanding are just different flavours of the same thing.

Me, I'm not fussy, I'll talk to anyone...... and sometimes people answer me too! :-)
72 de



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Messages In This Thread
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Tdvsko - 28 September 2012, 20:02
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 28 September 2012, 20:51
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Lightspeed - 4 October 2012, 11:56
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 14:06
Morse. A dead man walking code. - by Paul - 30 October 2012, 20:33
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 14:45
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 16:55
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 18:19
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 18:44
RE: Connunications update following Polls: - by Paul - 31 October 2012, 20:35

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