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8 October 2012, 13:14, (This post was last modified: 8 October 2012, 13:17 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Privacy?
So in reply
BB Move out of town to the villages where the councils wont put cameras
Paul Start meeting people are RVs and they cannot monitor us ?
Guys FYI For National Security or Fighting Crime or Preventing Terrorism you need to realise the security of the nation they are trying to protect is to keep the ruling rich elite and the Royals living in luxury, The crime they are fighting is the desperate ordinary people trying to protect themselves from repressive government and fighting terrorism means its the ordinary man in the street who is now deemed likely to be a terrorist.


Messages In This Thread
Privacy? - by BrixhamBadger - 8 October 2012, 12:04
RE: Privacy? - by Paul - 8 October 2012, 12:31
RE: Privacy? - by NorthernRaider - 8 October 2012, 13:14
RE: Privacy? - by BrixhamBadger - 8 October 2012, 13:25
RE: Privacy? - by bigpaul - 8 October 2012, 13:34
RE: Privacy? - by Paul - 8 October 2012, 21:22
RE: Privacy? - by NorthernRaider - 8 October 2012, 21:56
RE: Privacy? - by NorthernRaider - 8 October 2012, 13:31
RE: Privacy? - by BrixhamBadger - 8 October 2012, 13:37
RE: Privacy? - by bigpaul - 8 October 2012, 13:40
RE: Privacy? - by Lightspeed - 8 October 2012, 13:51
RE: Privacy? - by bigpaul - 8 October 2012, 13:59
RE: Privacy? - by Lightspeed - 8 October 2012, 14:21
RE: Privacy? - by bigpaul - 8 October 2012, 14:27
RE: Privacy? - by Lightspeed - 8 October 2012, 16:03
RE: Privacy? - by BrixhamBadger - 8 October 2012, 20:30
RE: Privacy? - by Straight Shooter - 8 October 2012, 19:07
RE: Privacy? - by NorthernRaider - 8 October 2012, 20:26
RE: Privacy? - by Tartar Horde - 8 October 2012, 22:21

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