(8 October 2012, 10:18)NorthernRaider Wrote: (7 October 2012, 23:22)Hexyprep Wrote: I read an article recently saying that most kids up to age 16 never help around the house at all and only 1 in 5 strech to tidying their own room... it carried on to say 'if your struggling to get it all done why not... ask the other half to do more!'... I was fully expecting tips on getting kids involved or a storm of discust... but no!. Anyhow the point is... if kids are not even picking up their own junk as apparently most don't how the heck can they be expected to do anything as 'difficult' as threading a needle in order to sew?
I struggle to get my spoilt brat to do enough chores but he usually does a modest amount, but its offset by him doing well at school and knuckling down when it comes to learning preppers skills. Cooking, Shooting,Archery, First Aid, Fire lighting, Navigating, etc
I have 2 kids and both do what I would also call a modest amount. so do understand the struggle with chores. The trouble with my older child who is 8 is that none of her friends seem to do any so she moans like hell when I make her do hers as its 'sooo unfaaaiirr'!! but she is slowly being beaten into submission
and can sew a basic stitch