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Tree of Freedom
9 October 2012, 21:34,
Tree of Freedom
I'm reading a book about tyrants and dictators and up pops a section on political assassination.

And I got to thinking, did we ever assassinate British politicians?

Quick look on Wiki and I find
1812, UK PM Spencer Perceval.
The First and only U.K. PM to be assassinated.

Apart from that,
In 1984, Patrick Magee tried for Margaret Thatcher in Brighton and failed.

That's it. End of story.
Thinking about it, I'd guess that's why these idiots think they are invulnerable.

The law won't touch them either.
Consider all the nasty things successive PM's have done.

Heath, took us into the EU
Callahan, Winter of discontent
Thatcher, The poll tax, death of the coal industry
Major, Gulf War, privatized British Rail
Blair, Cash for honors, Weapons of mass imagination
Brown's, Raid on pensions, Sold our gold for peanuts, MP expenses
Cameron, lib Dems, austerity, destruction of armed forces, etc, etc

None of them getting so much as a slapped wrist.

No wonder we're in so much of a pickle.
Perhaps Jefferson got it right about "The tree of freedom, etc".

What's your thoughts?
Should 1812 stand for ever as our only notable event or are we too "civilized" now?


Messages In This Thread
Tree of Freedom - by Paul - 9 October 2012, 21:34
RE: Tree of Freedom - by cryingfreeman - 10 October 2012, 00:51
RE: Tree of Freedom - by Paul - 10 October 2012, 13:04
RE: Tree of Freedom - by BrixhamBadger - 10 October 2012, 07:37
RE: Tree of Freedom - by NorthernRaider - 10 October 2012, 08:40
RE: Tree of Freedom - by NorthernRaider - 10 October 2012, 13:13
RE: Tree of Freedom - by bigpaul - 10 October 2012, 14:40
RE: Tree of Freedom - by Straight Shooter - 10 October 2012, 20:37

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