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Choosing between a compound, recurve or crossbow
18 October 2012, 11:00, (This post was last modified: 18 October 2012, 11:05 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Choosing between a compound, recurve or crossbow
(18 October 2012, 09:13)Tibbs735 Wrote: How would you reccomend carrying arrows? Across the back or waist etc.
(18 October 2012, 09:13)Tibbs735 Wrote: How would you reccomend carrying arrows? Across the back or waist etc.
I imagine it would be possible to reload a bow far faster than a crossbow anyway.

Traditional archers wear a quiver across their backs pointing to the right shoulder for right handed archers and point at left shoulder for lefties, modern sports archers who just stand still and punch holes in paper use wastebelt hung quivers that slope backwards. Modern hunters often use bow mounted quivers on compounds.

Preppers ten to use shoulder quivers or affix quivers or a tube to their rucksacks.

Average seven arrows to one bolt IIRC if fired fast and unaimed, 1 to 3 or 4 aimed but dont forget if its just a single massively powerful well aimed shot you are after the crossbow wins hands down. You can leave it cocked and loaded for hours as you stalk your target, and a heavy duty bolt from a powerful crossbow has truly awesome kintetic energy that can smash holes through very think timber or possibly body armour, or fitted with a round blunt tip it can hit with the power of a sledgehammer.

You have probably seen the benefits of compounds, recurves and crossbows on many TV shows. Crossbows used by the redneck on The Walking dead , utterly silent and dealy weapon that can be kept cocked and ready to use all day, reloaded under 12 seconds. Recurves used in films like the HUNGER GAMES etc
Note, depending on fitness a healthy well fit experienced crossbowman can cock a 150 to 180 pound X bow without a pully or cocking aid. Joe Average SHOULD if fit, skilled and careful SHOULD be able to do the same with a 100 to 125 pound x bow after practise and time and building up the right muscle groups.

However middle aged flabby retards like me shoulds not try cocking anything over 100 pounds without a cocking aid.
If you have a sus or dodgy back crossbows are not reccomended for use without a cocking aid which does make life easier but does slow down reload times. If you are buggered around your back like me i reccomend recurve or compound bows not crossbows.


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RE: Choosing between a compound, recurve or crossbow - by NorthernRaider - 18 October 2012, 11:00

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