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Finances are only just BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS!!!
30 October 2012, 09:07,
RE: Finances are only just BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS!!!
40 hours a week, £6.19 per hour, 52 weeks a year for simplicity.
£12875.20 gross. Take off PAYE that's £217.06 a week.

So that's salaried taken care off.
Loads of money. £217.06 a week.
Dunno what you're moaning about.

Now contract side of things. The part timer.
Same basic BUT you'll not be paid for holidays (public or otherwise).
So you'll lose 8 days PH standard.

Still that doesn't really matter as a LARGE percentage of jobs are part time so we'll reduce your hours to 16 a week like a lot of folk are working now.
No fault of them, just what is happening to a HUGE portion of the working population. (Must be nice to have a real job).

16 hours a week (if you are VERY lucky)
£115.20 gross. 51 weeks a year as you can't afford time off. £5875.20

Better PAYE taxation rate though so you get £115.20 a week in your hand. According to:-

Of course you could go in and demand the boss give you 4 extra hours a week to raise you into the benefit trigger point. Every boss in the land will happily do that for you as well as awarding you a bonus for having the cojones to ask for extra hours.

Or, for the millions without a job.
£71 a week JSA if you're lucky BUT if you upset them in anyway, you'll lose that for 3 months.
Still why should you get it anyway.
You're just a scummy free loading benefit claimer aren't you.

Yep, stop winging you lot.
You've never had it so good as it is now.

B O L L O C K 'S.


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RE: Finances are only just BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS!!! - by Paul - 30 October 2012, 09:07

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