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NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB
4 November 2012, 01:28,
RE: NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB
Ha! Ha! So pretty close to a DV27 on a baking tray then!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

1/CB is currently NOT a waste of time for ALL preppers! It's a shame that you find it so!

It's also a good way to put people off investigating comms making sweeping statements like this!

2/ How do you know it's not worth jumping through the hoop? As far as I'm aware, ham radio is not just about repeaters!!!

3/ PMR 446 is really useful to preppers!

4/ A PSU won't help you if the grid goes down pshtf! Doesn't sound like it will help you get much benefit now either!!!

5/ Perhaps you really should flog your kit and forget comms.

Seems to me LS and Paul in the comms threads have both indicated what could be of best use to us and how to set sytems up, best buys for different things etc etc etc

It's really detrimental to the further encouragement of others expanding their preps to include comms when you post like this! DodgyDodgyDodgy


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RE: NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB - by Bug_out_Bag - 4 November 2012, 01:28

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