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NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB
4 November 2012, 14:55, (This post was last modified: 4 November 2012, 15:03 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB
(4 November 2012, 13:30)Bug_out_Bag Wrote:
(4 November 2012, 12:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: Oh god my reply looks terribly preachy and condecending, its not meant too be like that, honest, its supposed to look much more like a gentle explenation of the issue from my own viewpoint, but instead it looks like an attack or slur on the hard working technogeeks.

NR, Setting up comms can be frustrating as I think anyone would agree! I don't want to fall out with you about this! I was just trying to stop other readers of this thread dismissing comms. I understand your frustration with it, I think everyone interested in comms on this forum understands that it can be frustrating and is very pleased to try and help you gain the maximum benefit from your kit. I think you know that. I don't think anyone here will take your explanation as preachy or condescending, they will read it for what it is as I did. Big Grin

I certainly dont want to fall out with anyone on the forum, definately not and your comments were both valid and welcome, We are making progress on radio comms BUT there are still (for myself and some others of a none technical outlook) major issues and short comings to be addressed and answers found. Comms are a multi faceted subject which involves RVs, Letter drops, regular meets as well as telecoms. I know, understand and appreciate many preppers also have a passion for radio telephony, but not all.

I look at it the same way I look at all prepper kit from back packs to bows to wood burning stoves to vehicles, IS IT EFFECTIVE, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE, SIMPLE TO SET UP AND USE, and does it do what we want it to do AFTER TSHTF fan when people will be frightened, possibly in shock, uncertain and hesitant, anxious as hell, possibly tired, maybe injured or far from home.

They need with a radio to be able to pick it up, turn it on, select a simple channel, and know they can reach at least 10 miles across a city, forest or hill to their families. They dont wont and shouldnt nned top be climbing into lofts, putting up 40 foot masts in their garden, trying to find weird frequencies, seeking working repeaters, changing batteries every twenty minutes etc etc.

Theres far more preppers with no interest or expertise in technology than there are techno geeks, preppers esp new ones need clear, concise, simple , reliable items of kit to help sustain them.

It is why from expereience the majority of yank preppers prefer group meetings, rendezvous etc to long range radio comms.
However it does NOT mean there is not a huge place for radio comms in prepping, but i do think it needs to evolve far more and be simplified both in specification and on this sub forum on how questions are answered. Refer back to my original post which was set specifically to see how the response played out.

I saw a set piece question be answered by everything except the sort of answer that was needed , because though the technogeeks enthuisism for their subject I think they inadvertantly often give the reply they THINK the original poster wants instead of what they ACTUALLY want.

I have absultely ZERO interest in wave lengths, di poles, licences, bands, SWRs, ionic disturbances, skipping, DXing etc, I am a PREPPER not a radio fan, its just another tool to my and those in my group, so like a Frontier Stove, Leatherman Wave, Barnett Bow etc I just want it to be simple, affordable, reliable and up to the job when I may be cold, tired, lost, scared shitless and stressed to death.

We must continue to develop this subject by SIMPLIFYING it I think.
But for my own groups needs at this time radio comms falls far short of what is even remotely useful.
Look at CB radio 27 FM / CEPT from a SURVIVALIST point of view NOT from an enthuisiasts point of view.

Its got many of the facets we seek, Channels not frequencies, Affordable and Reliable,

BUT the handsets EAT batteries, 4 watts may be good enough for an educated radio enthusiast to speak to Mc Murdo base in Antartica but for Joe Prepper his rubber duck will maybe do a mile, a 20 inch extention twig will reach maybe 5 miles, chances are the air will be full of retards and halfwits so the CB rig needs ENCRYPTION or Cypher capability turned on / off simply.... so straight away its getting more complicated. Its NOT what I believe the average prepper needs.

Amateur band has more drawbacks than positives for the ordinary family guy prepper, and PMR is nearly but not quite a joke, but yet some PMRS have the encryption privacy doofahs they should have on CB ??


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RE: NR wants to buy a stealth aerial for his CB - by NorthernRaider - 4 November 2012, 14:55

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