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Preps you can make with little or no cash outlay.
7 December 2012, 12:48, (This post was last modified: 7 December 2012, 12:49 by Scythe13.)
RE: Preps you can make with little or no cash outlay.
Youtube vids are a good place to learn.

Experience costs nothing but time.

I've seen a guy forge in the wilderness, using a small piece of railway sleeper as an anvil. Super cool idea! It's a cheap outlay, but can provide loads of experience!

You can make your own knives pretty cheaply from old lawnmower blades, files, and things like that.

Check local adds or even local tip's for gear you can get cheaply or for free. Should be easy to get hunking pieces of metal or the alike, pretty cheap. Broken lawnmower......take the blade off. Or even Freebay or Freecycle, to get decent preps off there.

You can download books from loads of websites. Anarchist's cookbook, jollyroger cookbook were staples for my teenage years. Napalm was a favourite toy.

Or, dare I say it......get out and enjoy a bit of running.
you could start making charcoal if you wanted.
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RE: Preps you can make with little or no cash outlay. - by Scythe13 - 7 December 2012, 12:48

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