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Just got wind of my own personal SHTF situation....
6 January 2013, 18:19,
RE: Just got wind of my own personal SHTF situation....
(6 January 2013, 18:15)MikeAlpha3041 Wrote: Just got wind of my own personal SHTF situation....

I have been suddenly summonsed to a "meeting" with my ops manager on Tuesday.

The "tone" of his email is not in it's usual feel......ExclamationDodgy

there has been a couple of things that just haven't felt right over the last couple of weeks so I'm making a prediction - I think I am going to be made "redundant" and this meeting will in fact be used as the first consultation meeting with a "view" to making me redundant.

This is in fact a ruse Angry and the actual term is a "bumped redundancy" because he can, by making me redundant, put thousands of pounds a year back in his own greedy pocket.

One side of his business is basically collapsing and by "manufacturing" my redundancy and bumping me (as a manager) and replacing me with a lower paid "supervisor" he was going to make redundant he gains literally 1000's a year to put in his greedy coffers.

He has got to be careful and play by the rules otherwise I could have a case for unfair/constructive dismissal but the fact still remains that I start the year with no future in this job - Happy New Year everyone - including my greedy conniving a/hole boss! One slip sonny boy and I'll have your guts for bow-strings.......


"Take no prisoners" Mike!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin i've been made redundant 3 times so i know where your coming from!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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RE: Just got wind of my own personal SHTF situation.... - by bigpaul - 6 January 2013, 18:19

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