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China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason
12 January 2013, 21:40, (This post was last modified: 12 January 2013, 21:43 by Prepper1.)
RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason
There may well be a conflict looming as Japan has just recently agreed to up its military spending.

Now we have no way of knowing if this will go to war and to what level, i.e. falklands type action, or full blown all out war between the two.

This does affect us before anyone says it doesn't.

Japan has nuclear reactors which will respond badly to an air strike and with the jet and gulf stream so will the u.s. and us with the resulting fallout.

How much stuff nowadays comes from china?

Japan is unlikely to survive a full on chinese assault but at the same time has a Japan Self-Defense Forces

This also will not be a push over and should it make millitary strikes against chinas industrial areas...

The U.S. military has a number of bases in various parts of Japan and the Japanese people understand the sacrifices that those in the military make and most of the Japanese people appreciate the protection that the U.S. military gives to Japan by having bases here.

Waht happens if china air strikes a u.s. base on japan....

By accident or design the u.s. would retaliate...
Or could it seeing how chinas been supplying the u.s. millitary with dodgy computer chips...
and has china done that on purpose?

for just this reason?
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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RE: China quadruples rice imports for no apparent reason - by Prepper1 - 12 January 2013, 21:40

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